Hi! I have to replace the left headlight on my 2017 Model S, but it is too costly, like around $1300. This is too much. Teach me how to get through this without paying that much (Tesla said they work only with new OEM parts).
You could try looking for a refurbished or aftermarket headlight, which might be much cheaper than the OEM part. Some third-party suppliers offer parts that are compatible with Teslas, so confirm compatibility before installing
I'd definitely stick with OEM parts. You see so many cheap knockoffs out there, and I'm worried about the quality. I wouldn't want to risk a bad seal, leading to water leaks, fogging, and other problems. It's just not worth the potential headaches.
So I had a similar problem with my Model S a while back. Instead of going through Tesla, I sourced a gently used OEM headlight from a reputable parts recycler. It saved me over half the cost, and a local shop installed it for a reasonable price.
It's not just Tesla, you understand. Headlights are extremely expensive on high-end cars such as BMWs and Mercedes. And the dealers only want to use the most expensive parts.