Model S tailgate acting up

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My Model S tailgate is being finicky. Sometimes it closes fine, other times it hesitates and bounces back open. No obstructions, but a gentle nudge helps it close. Rubber stoppers are maxed out. Any DIY adjustment tips before I resort to Tesla service? Thanks
Appreciate the suggestions! I’ll give that silicone spray a try. You think the misalignment’s something I can DIY, or is that best left to the pros? The struts could be a possibility too since the tailgate feels a little heavy.
Appreciate the suggestions! I’ll give that silicone spray a try. You think the misalignment’s something I can DIY, or is that best left to the pros? The struts could be a possibility too since the tailgate feels a little heavy.
If you’re up for it, you could probably fix the misalignment yourself, but it’s a bit of a headache. You’d have to take a close look at the latch mechanism and how it lines up with the body. If you're not totally sure, though, it’s probably best to let the pros take over.

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