Tesla Model S & X 75D supercharging

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I found out that the maximum power that my Tesla Model S 75D can produce while supercharging is 80 kW. This limit seems tied to the battery size and charging capabilities. It’s a bit slower than newer models.
"Normal charging" is not the same as supercharging. Supercharging, which happens when you charge at home, is DC to DC without using the car's AC converter. Certain Model S have an 80A charger, depending on the model.
"Normal charging" is not the same as supercharging. Supercharging, which happens when you charge at home, is DC to DC without using the car's AC converter. Certain Model S have an 80A charger, depending on the model.
Thanks for the clarification! I didn't realize the distinction between "normal charging" and supercharging in terms of DC vs. AC conversion. My Model S does have an 80A charger, supercharging still feels slower.
Supercharging is different from regular charging. Supercharging uses DC power, while regular charging uses AC power.
Yeah thanks, I get the DC vs. AC difference now. Still, my 75D’s 80 kW max during supercharging feels slower compared to newer models.

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